Updating LymeApp via AppCenter

During the testing phase, you will be required to update LymeApp each time a new version is released.
Unlike apps downloaded from the AppStore, this will not be an automatic process.

You will be notified via email when a new version is released and an update is required.

The following steps demonstrate how to do this.
While the steps have been performed on an iOS device, they will be almost identical to those required on an Android device.

Step 1

We first reccomend removing the old version of LymeApp.
This will ensure that any cached data from previous versions will be removed.

Depending on your device OS (iOS or Android), the steps will vary.
The following screenshots have been provided as an example – the actions to take should be those you would take to remove any other app from your device.

Step 2

Return to https://install.appcenter.ms on your mobile device

If prompted, log into your AppCenter account which you previously created.

Step 3

Under ‘My apps’, tap on LymeApp

Step 4

Ensure that you download the latest available version.

Scroll down the page and then tap on the dropdown option as indicated in the screenshot, then tap on ‘Most Recent’.

Step 4

Scroll back to the top of the page.

You will now see the most up-to-date version under ‘Latest Release’.
Tap the ‘Install’ button as indicated.

Step 4

The remaining steps remain identical to those followed when initially installing LymeApp.

Refer to the following guides if you require a reminder on the exact steps you need to take:
Download LymeApp (Apple iOS)
Download LymeApp (Android OS)

Further Support

If you are still experiencing issues, please contact support@idmapps.com